发布时间:2023-09-18 浏览人次:3975来源:湖北省科协
湖北省优秀科技论文(2021-2023) | |||
序号 | 题目 | 作者 | 申报单位 |
1 | 非高对称点合并的连续谱中的束缚态 | 康猛、张顺平、肖孟、徐红星 | 湖北省物理学会 |
2 | Non-abelian gauge fields in circuit systems | 吴杰熊、王铸、彪元川、宋凤麒、余睿 | 湖北省物理学会 |
3 | A tripartite rheostat controls self-regulated host-plant resistance to insect | 郭建平、王卉颖、关伟、朱玉贤、张启发、何光存 | 湖北省遗传学会 |
4 | Glucose-responsive, antioxidative HA-PBA-FA/EN106 hydrogel enhanced diabetic wound healing through modulation of FEM1b-FNIP1 axis and promoting angiogenesis | 刘国辉、米博斌、胡汉昆 | 湖北省生物工程学会 |
5 | B-lymphoid tyrosine kinase-mediated FAM83A phosphorylation elevates pancreatic tumorigenesis through interacting with β-catenin | 周策凡、唐景峰 | 湖北省生物工程学会 |
6 | Ion Irradiation Activated Catalytic Activity of MoSe2 Nanosheet for High-Efficiency Hydrogen Evolution Reaction | 黄丽秋、魏国、任峰 | 湖北省核学会 |
7 | A coupled mechano-chemical peridynamic model for pit-to-crack transition in stress-corrosion cracking | 陈子光等 | 湖北省力学学会 |
8 | 激光选区熔化成形 高强Al-Cu合金的裂纹准则 | 胡志恒、聂小佳、齐洋、张虎、朱海红 | 湖北省激光学会 |
9 | Asymmetric eROSITA bubbles as the evidence of a circumgalactic medium wind | 牟国斌、孙东泽、方陶陶、王伟 | 湖北省天文学会 |
10 | 重启小水体灌排功能提升水稻生产的可持续与韧性 | 李思思、庄艳华、杜耘、张亮等 | 湖北省自然资源研究会 |
11 | Inhibition of viral suppressor of RNAi proteins by designer peptides protects from enteroviral infection in vivo(靶向病毒RNAi抑制子的抗肠道病毒多肽研究) | 方媛、刘泽众、邱洋、陆路、周溪 | 湖北省微生物学会 |
12 | Dissection of 3D chromosome organization in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) leads to biosynthetic gene cluster overexpression(链霉菌三维基因组解析及高产天然产物) | 邓梁、孙宇辉等 | 湖北省微生物学会 |
13 | Ecosystem complexity explains the scale-dependence of ammonia toxicity on macroinvertebrates | 刘苗、李艳、王洪铸、王海军、乔瑞婷、Erik Jeppesen | 湖北省海洋湖沼学会 |
14 | Somatic variations led to the selection of acidic and acidless orange cultivars | 王沦、黄跃、刘子昂、邓秀新、徐强 | 湖北省植物学会 |
15 | The slow-evolving Acorus tatarinowii genome sheds light on ancestral monocot evolution | 石涛、Cecile Huneau、张越、李艳、陈进明、Jerome Salse、王青峰 | 湖北省植物学会 |
16 | An algorithm for forecasting day-ahead wind power via novel long short-term memory and wind power ramp events | 崔杨、陈正洪、何英杰 | 湖北省气象学会 |
17 | Structural basis of GABAB receptor–Gi protein coupling | 刘剑锋、申仓松、许婵娟 | 湖北省生物物理学会 |
18 | Neoarchean granitic rocks from the Jiamiao area of the Dabie orogen: Implications on the formation and early evolution of the Yangtze Craton(大别贾庙新太古代花岗质岩石:对扬子克拉通形成与演化的制约) | 田洋、王伟、金巍、吴元保、王晶、邓新、黄思访 | 湖北省地质学会 |
19 | SYP72 interacts with the mechanosensitive channel MSL8 to protect pollen from hypoosmotic shock during hydration | 周雪妹、郑一帆等 | 湖北省细胞生物学学会 |
20 | On Permutation Quadrinomials and 4-Uniform BCT | 李 念、熊茂胜、曾祥勇 | 湖北省工业与应用数学学会 |
21 | A symmetric low-regularity integrator for nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation | 王 燕、赵晓飞 | 湖北省工业与应用数学学会 |
22 | Graph Signal Processing Approach to QSAR/QSPR Model Learning of Compounds | 宋笑影、柴利、张竞新 | 湖北省自动化学会 |
23 | Control Performance Standards-Oriented Event-Triggered Load Frequency Control for Power Systems Under Limited Communication Bandwidth | 上官星辰、何勇、张传科、姚伟、Jiang Lin、吴敏 | 湖北省自动化学会 |
24 | An experimental and kinetic modeling study of ammonia/n-heptane blends | 董世军,汪博文,蒋作舟,黎雨航,高文学,王兆文,成晓北,Henry Curran | 湖北省内燃机学会 |
25 | Feluca: A Two-Stage Graph Coloring Algorithm With Color-Centric Paradigm on GPU | 郑志高等 | 湖北省计算机学会 |
26 | Deep Learning for Person Re-identification: A Survey and Outlook | 叶茫等 | 湖北省计算机学会 |
27 | Ship Path Optimization That Accounts for Geographical Traffic Characteristics to Increase Maritime Port Safety | 余红楚等 | 湖北省航海学会 |
28 | Enantioselective [2+2]-cycloadditions with triplet photoenzymes(三重态光酶催化对映选择性[2+2]环加成) | 吴钰周等 | 湖北省化学化工学会 |
29 | Lighting up metastasis process before formation of secondary tumor by phosphorescence imaging | 常凯、李倩倩等 | 湖北省化学化工学会 |
30 | Effects of Wetting–Drying Cycles on the Breakage Characteristics of Slate Rock Grains | 周伟、程家林、张贵科、李宏璧、程勇刚、马刚、姬翔 | 湖北省水力发电工程学会 |
31 | Drivers of the water use fficiency changes in China during 1982-2015 | 孙怀卫、白依文、鲁梦格 | 湖北省水力发电工程学会 |
32 | Nanotwin-Induced Ductile Mechanism in Thermoelectric Semiconductor PbTe | 黄敏、李国栋、张清杰 | 湖北省复合材料学会 |
33 | Topology optimization of Double-Double (DD) composite laminates considering stress control | 王岩、王丹、钟愉承 | 湖北省复合材料学会 |
34 | Effects of blending dissociated methanol gas with the fuel in gasoline engine Effects of blending dissociated methanol gas with the fuel in gasoline engine | 蒋炎坤,陈烨欣,谢满 | 湖北省汽车工程学会 |
35 | A Hybrid Calculation Method of Electromagnetic Vibration for Electrical Machines Considering High-Frequency Current Harmongics | 卢阳、李健、杨凯 | 湖北省电机工程学会 |
36 | Grading diagnosis of beam bridge support separation disease within one cluster based on the difference in the probability density function of the measured data | 姜玉印、刘洋、周兴宇 | 湖北省公路学会 |
37 | Synergetic strengthening mechanism of ultrasound combined with calcium fluoride towards vanadium extraction from low-grade vanadium-bearing shale(超声波与氟化钙协同强化低品级钒页岩提钒机理研究) | 陈波、包申旭、张一敏 | 湖北省金属学会 |
38 | A Rising 2D Star: Novel MBenes with Excellent Performance in Energy Conversion and Storage(冉冉升起的二维之星:新颖的MBenes在能量转换和储存方面表现出色) | 徐天杰、王玉华、熊祖钊 | 湖北省金属学会 |
39 | Developing a robust thiadiazole derivative corrosion inhibitor for dynamic supercritical CO2 aqueous environment: Electrochemical tests and DFT calculations | 李岩岩、姜智能、 王旭、曾晓庆、董超芳、刘宏芳、张国安 | 湖北省腐蚀与防护学会 |
40 | Self-aligned patterning of tantalum oxide on Cu/SiO2 through redox-coupled inherently selective atomic layer deposition(通过氧化还原耦合的固有选择性原子层沉积方法实现氧化钽薄膜在Cu/SiO2表面的自对准图案化制造) | 李易诚、齐子廉、曹坤、陈蓉 | 湖北省机械工程学会 |
41 | Multiobjective Optimization of Energy-Efficient JOB-shop Scheduling With Dynamic Reference Point-Based Fuzzy Relative Entropy | 贺利军、Raymond Chiong、李文锋 | 湖北省机械工程学会 |
42 | 边坡渐进破坏多参量评价指标 | 卢应发、张凌晨、张玉芳、李健、刘珉玮、朱蕾 | 湖北省土木建筑学会 |
43 | Prefabricated tubular light roof truss assembled with screwed novel modular connectors: Full-scale test and FE modelling | 王小平,王金琨,徐敏 | 湖北省钢结构学会 |
44 | Study on energy loss of 35 kW all vanadium redox flow battery energy storage system under closed-loop flow strategy | 邹涛、史小虎、余龙海 | 湖北省电工技术学会 |
45 | 量产化的波束控制超表面用于高速全双工光无线广播通信 | 陶金、李子乐、肖希、郑国兴 | 湖北省通信学会 |
46 | ZnO-based micromotors fueled by CO2: the first example of self-reorientation-induced biomimetic chemotaxis(二氧化碳燃烧驱动的氧化锌基微米马达:首例自取向诱导仿生趋化行为) | 牟方志、谢琦、官建国 | 湖北省硅酸盐学会 |
47 | Lead halide–templated crystallization of methylamine-free perovskite for efficient photovoltaic modules(卤化铅模板法结晶制备高效无甲胺钙钛矿光伏组件) | 卜童乐、程一兵、黄福志 | 湖北省硅酸盐学会 |
48 | Fault detection filter and controller co-design for unmanned surface vehicles under DoS attacks | 马勇、聂宗强、胡松林、李志雄、Reza Malekian、M. Sotelo | 湖北省人工智能学会 |
49 | A Lightweight NMS-Free Framework for Real-Time Visual Fault Detection System of Freight Trains | 孙国栋、周洋、潘慧琳、吴波、胡也、张杨 | 湖北省机电工程学会 |
50 | Codee: A tensor embedding scheme for binary code search | 杨佳、付才 | 湖北省网络空间安全学会 |
51 | DeepSyslog: Deep Anomaly Detection on Syslog Using Sentence Embedding and Metadata | 周俊伟,钱怡佳,邹擎天,刘鹏,向剑文 | 湖北省网络空间安全学会 |
52 | Modeling competitive-cooperative relationship between flood control and hydropower generation within hierarchical gaming structure of reservoir operation | 王欣、吴凤燕、胡铁松、曾祥、李想、黄洁 | 湖北省水利学会 |
53 | More intense and longer torrential rain and flood events during the recent past decade in Eurasia | 王书霞、张利平、王纲胜 | 湖北省水利学会 |
54 | Transcription factors ABF4 and ABR1 synergistically regulate amylase-mediated starch catabolism in drought tolerance | 张豫、祝建、Madiha Khan | 湖北省柑桔学会 |
55 | 县级国土空间规划分区方法探索-以湖北省黄梅县为例 | 王子健、黄亚平、谢来荣 | 湖北省土地学会 |
56 | 工夫红茶品质分析与综合评价 | 刘盼盼等 | 湖北省茶叶学会 |
57 | Upregulation of protein N-glycosylation plays crucial roles in the response of Camellia sinensis leaves to fluoride | 刘艳丽、曹丹、马林龙 | 湖北省茶叶学会 |
58 | Silica nanoparticles promote wheat growth by mediating hormones and sugar metabolism | 尹军良等 | 湖北省植物病理学会 |
59 | Two novel rhabdoviruses related to hypervirulence in a phytopathogenic fungus | 李阳艺等 | 湖北省植物病理学会 |
60 | Soil erosion assessment by RUSLE with improved P factor and its validation Case study on mountainous and hilly areas of Hubei province | 田培、朱占亮、岳启蒙、贺奕、张兆一、郝芳华 | 湖北省水土保持学会 |
61 | Structural characteristics and gel properties of pectin from citrus physiological premature fruit drop | 任婧楠、潘思轶、范刚等 | 湖北省食品科学技术学会 |
62 | Effects of temporary rearing with organic selenium on the muscle flavor and texture properties of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmonides) | 李海蓝、陈亚楠,李美锦、黄家珺、鉏晓艳、廖涛、熊光权 | 湖北省食品科学技术学会 |
63 | Sustainable intensification for a larger global rice bowl | 袁珅、彭少兵等 | 湖北省作物学会 |
64 | 水稻生产碳中和现状及低碳稻作技术策略 | 陈松文、刘天奇、曹凑贵、凌霖、王斌 | 湖北省作物学会 |
65 | HIBLUP:an integration of statistical models on the BLUP framework for efficient genetic evaluation useng big genomic data | 尹立林等 | 湖北省畜牧兽医学会 |
66 | Hierarchical Accumulation of Histone Variant H2A.Z Regulates Transcriptional States and Histone Modifications in Early Mammalian Embryos | 刘鑫、张晶晶、苗义良 | 湖北省畜牧兽医学会 |
67 | Clongal integration and phosphorus management under light heterogeneity facilitate the growth and diversity of understory vegetation and soil fungal communities | 施雪萍、白彦锋、王永健 | 湖北省林学会 |
68 | Transcription Factor TWISTI Integrates Dendritic Remodeling and Chronic Stress to Promote Depressive-like Behaviors | 陈建国、何金钢、王芳等 | 湖北省药理学会 |
69 | Microglia-dependent excessive synaptic pruning leads to cortical underconnectivity and behavioral abnormality following chronic social defeat stress in mice | 王芳、胡壮丽、陈建国、王冀、陈宏生 | 湖北省药理学会 |
70 | H3K36me2 methyltransferase NSD2 orchestrates epigenetic reprogramming during spermatogenesis | 李志明、周立全、张欣宗、唐运革 | 湖北省性学会 |
71 | Association of Breastfeeding Practices During the First 3 Months with Infant Sleep Trajectories:A Prospective Cohort Study | 杨年红、王玮铭、黄莉 | 湖北省儿童全面发展研究会 |
72 | Plasma manganese levels and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a prospective cohort study | 李倩等 | 湖北省营养学会 |
73 | Single-cell transcriptomics reveals intestinal cell heterogeneity and identifies Ep300 as a potential therapeutic target in mice with acute liver failure | 童擎一等 | 湖北省毒理学会 |
74 | Selective autophagic degradation of ACLY (ATP citrate lyase) maintains citrate homeostasis and promotes oocyte maturation(柠檬酸裂解酶ACLY的选择性自噬降解维持柠檬酸稳态并促进卵母细胞的成熟) | 周吉隆、苗义良等 | 湖北省实验动物学会 |
75 | hnRNPH1 recruits PTBP2 and SRSF3 to modulate alternative splicing in germ cells | 袁水桥等 | 湖北省实验动物学会 |
76 | Antibacterial and antioxidant chitosan nanoparticles improve the preservation effect for donor kidneys in vitro | 张秋艳、童骏、周威 | 湖北省肝胆疾病学会 |
77 | Fast Expandable Chitosan-Fibers Cryogel from Ambient Drying for Noncompressible Bleeding Control and In Situ Tissue Regeneration(快速膨胀壳聚糖纤维低温凝胶从环境干燥不可压缩出血控制和原位组织再生) | 齐鲁荷、穆兰馨、叶啟发 | 湖北省肝胆疾病学会 |
78 | Cofilin promotes tau pathology in Alzheimer’s disease | 严明敏 | 湖北省神经电生理与调控学会 |
79 | FOXK2 affects cancer cell response to chemotherapy by promoting nucleotide de novo synthesis | 姚颐等 | 湖北省临床肿瘤学会 |
80 | Direct stimulation of de novo nucleotide synthesis by O-GlcNAcylation | 陈露露等 | 湖北省临床肿瘤学会 |
81 | RNA binding protein IGF2BP1 meditates oxidative stress-induced granulosa cell dysfunction by regulating MDM2 mRNA stability in an m6A-dependent manner | 牟泓蓓、蔡斯滢、王晓菲、李辉莹、张玲、李怀标、相文佩 | 湖北省生殖健康学会 |
82 | 无精子症诊疗中国专家共识 | 潘峰、熊承良、李铮、洪锴 | 湖北省生殖健康学会 |
83 | Hierarchical-morphology metafabric for scalable passive daytime radiative cooling | 曾少宁、片思杰、马耀光、陶光明 | 湖北省智能医学学会 |
84 | AGGF1蛋白质通过增强整合素a7介导的对TGF- β1成熟和ERK1/2信号的抑制来治疗胸主动脉瘤 | 姚雨峰,徐承启,王擎 | 湖北省运动人体科学研究会 |
85 | 长江经济带数字产业化与产业数字化的耦合协调分析 | 刘钒、余明月 | 湖北省自然辩证法研究会 |
86 | 智媒时代科技期刊编辑面临的挑战与对策 | 刘江霞、朱莹 | 湖北省科学技术期刊编辑学会 |
87 | Measuring and profiling the topical influence and sentiment contagion of public event stakeholders | 安璐、周雯静、欧孟花、李纲、余传明、王晓芬 | 湖北省信息学会 |
88 | “互联网+科技服务”发展模式研究及其对湖北科技服务综合信息平台建设的启示 | 门玉英、吴燏、高麟娜、李芳、王亚、俞享 | 湖北省信息学会 |
89 | Tissue-derived extracellular vesicles in cacers and non-cancer diseases:Present and future | 李素冉、满其文、卜琳琳、刘冰、陈刚 | 湖北省青年科技工作者协会 |
90 | 大别造山带中元古代变沉积岩碎屑锆石U-Pb 年代学与Hf 同位素特征及其地质意义 | 孔令耀、郭盼、万俊 | 湖北省李四光研究会 |
91 | A 30-year monthly 5 km gridded surface elevation timeseries for the Greenland ice Sheet from multiple satellite radar altimeters | 张保军、王泽民、安家春、刘婷婷、耿红 | 湖北省南北极科学考察学会 |
92 | Improvement of the Feature Tracking and Patter Matching Algorthm fr Sea Ice Motion Retriveal from SAR and Optical Imagery | 李明慈、周春霞、陈晓丽、刘勇、李冰、刘婷婷 | 湖北省南北极科学考察学会 |
93 | How Does Persuasion Happen? A Novel Bounded Confidence Opinion Dynamics Model Based on Social Judgment Theory | 徐涵,肖潇,徐明华,王邦 | 湖北省科技新闻学会 |
94 | 安全城市疫情防控体系构建初探——以武汉市新冠肺炎疫情 防控为例 | 肖伟、汤小亮、邱雅凡、耿旭初 | 湖北省历史建筑研究会 |
95 | Hybrids of delavirdine and piperdin-4-yl-aminopyrimidines (DPAPYs) as potent HIV-1 NNRTIs: Design, synthesis and biological activities | 古双喜、朱园园、陈芬儿 | 湖北省科技领军人才发展促进会 |
96 | Fostering Workplace Innovation through CSR and Authentic Leadership: Evidence from SME Sector | 高卫、汪林、晏敬东 | 湖北省科技经济融合学会 |
97 | Finite-time dissipative control for discrete-time stochastic delayed systems with Markovian switching and interval parameters | 陈贵词、杨金荣、周鑫 | 湖北省智能科教研究会 |
98 | Dual Gated Graph Attention Networks with Dynamic Iterative Training for Cross-Lingual Entity Alignment | 谢志文、Runjie Zhu、赵焜松、刘进、周光有、Xiangji Huang | 湖北省智能科教研究会 |
99 | Differences of gut microbiota composition in mice supplied with polysaccharides from γ-irradiated and non-irradiated Schizophyllum commune(辐照和非辐照裂褶菌多糖对小鼠肠道菌群组成差异的比较) | 殷朝敏、乔鑫、范秀芝、高虹 | 湖北省食用菌协会 |
100 | The feeding habits of small-bodied fishes mediate the strength of top-down effects on plankton and water quality in shallow subtropical lakes | 郭超、李为等 | 湖北省渔业科学技术普及协会 |